June 11, 2008
The race went well yesterday! Amy was such a great coach, she helped us keep up a pace of 14.25 minutes per mile. We made up 14 minutes from last year! What will we do next year??!!
We started out Friday night to pick up our packets at the Disney’s Wide World of Sports Complex, well seems as though the transportation department has a new director. No one could really give us a straight answer on what bus we were suppose to take to get to the Wide World of Sports Complex. We rode around and around, we did get there but it took a lot of getting on this bus and getting on that bus and taking this and that! We got there and we got back but it was very stressful! We got our packets!
Saturday morning started at 2:30 am! Runners must be at Epcot by 4:00. It was a very cool morning, I would say it was 40-45 degrees. We had to get on the bus early, we wanted to make sure we got there on time! We got on the right bus that took us to the other bus to take us to Epcot. We did make it on time! There is absolutely nothing to do until they tell you to go to your corral. We ended up going into the Merchandise Tent and huddling around jackets and pants to keep warm! Then at 5:30 am we all walked over to the start line. At 6:00 am the fireworks went off and we were off and running! Cool morning running it ended up being a beautiful day to be out running in Florida. There were many runners and walkers out there. We did have some traffic jams! But all and all the race went well. We had a lot of fun!
How do I feel today? I slept for 12 hours last night. I don’t feel too bad, my ham strings feel really tight. I need to do some serious leg stretches.
We are enjoying the fine entities here at Fort Wilderness Resort.
We rented a golf cart today and drove around the park. For Internet you have to go to a “hot spot” so that is why I have not updated this blog. On Friday night I had internet, Saturday we couldn't get on so we learned that you have to go to different spots in the resort.
Carl and I went to the campfire sing-a-long tonight and to the fireworks! We left poor Sadie home alone to listen to the fireworks! To those who know Sadie she really does not like fireworks or thunder storms. We came back to the motor home to see her come out from under the couch! Poor little dog. Now she is sleeping on her blanket. She feels safe now with her mom and dad back with her.
Now we have to plan next years race! Amy plans to the Goofy race. 1/2 Marathon on Saturday and the full Marathon on Sunday....Go Amy go!
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