Friday, January 21, 2011

January 21, 2010

Yesterday we worked on the new bathroom remodel at the Paradis'. Sure is looking very nice!

We had a thunder storm and hard rain this morning at 3:00 and lasted a couple hours! In the motor home it sounds like a lot harder rain coming down!

I am waiting for some mail to arrive. But.......I think the mailman didn't believe that a Sally Heitmeyer lived at the address and sent it back to the return address! What!!! I am waiting for this mail so I can finish up year end work for my companies back home!

I got a UPS package here, UPS didn't have a problem leaving it at the Office!

Keep warm all my friends and family back in Northern Michigan!

1 comment:

Rick said...

We have not sent any mail yet. We're getting it ready to ship out soon! We're also getting ready to ship ourselves out soon!!!