Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday July 6, 2008

Good Morning!
We are back into the USA! Feels goo to be back on my own ground!
We have covered a lot of ground in the past few days. We haven't had internet and that surely is not good news for me!
July 3 we left Dawson Creek and drove to Grand Prarie, we did not stay there. We went south on 97 towards Jasper National Park. The route was pretty and very hilly with steep inclines and declines! We made it to Grande Cashe, cute community. The incline coming up was a killer! We stayed in a municipal RV park. Was very quiet and very woodsy and no internet.
Friday July 4 was spent in the Jasper and Banff National Park. We were told by so may people that this area was a must see there were so many animals wandering around, I must say it was beautiful, the Canadian Rockies etc but the only thing we saw was a mama black bear and a cub. It was in the woods so you couldn't take pictures. That was it! We did see Athascan Falls and Columbia Glacier. I will post the pictures. That was neat.
We stayed in a park in Banff, electricity but no internet.
July 5, we decided to take the road 1A which is the most scenic and with animals we were told. On the way to that road we got lost in Banff. That wasn't fun! We were driving down the road from Bow Falls, (we got there by accident) which was a great attraction, got pictures of that, we came across a via dock that was only 8 km high! We couldn't get the motor home through it, but Carl thought we could! I had to convince him we couldn't. So, we backed up probably a 1/2 mile, there was no way you could turn around. Finally, we backed into a driveway and the way we went! On the way to this via dock we met these big tour buses, now let me tell you this road wasn't wide, it was for one car! Carl couldn't figure out how the big buses got through the via dock! Well, on this road was many hotels and resorts, these buses.were picking up people to go on tours etc. They didn't drive the full road. Now this is all in the town of Banff! Very unique town. No we didn't stop! But finally Carl got us out of that mess! When we finally found 1A the road was in great shape (people told us differently) we saw zip zero animals! We went back to Lake Louise which was another must see! ???? don't know why! Just a big touristy place with way too many people and cars for us. We left on 93 south out of Lake Louise . We drove though Kootney National Park. No animals either! I guess we were too late in the day to see animals. We traveled We drove 322 miles yesterday. It was a very trying day up and down hills and the aggravation of getting lost!
We are taking our time this morning. We will get out of here around 11:00 am and take it easy!
Haven't convince Carl to take another route to Mt. Rushmore. Maybe a different time. Not sure.
I have lots of pics to download.
We are glad to be back!

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