5 Fingers Rapids
Carl Washing MtrHome
Yukon River in Dawson City

Sunday, June 29 we traveled down the Klondike Highway. On this trip we have seen the most beautiful Yukon scenery and worst. Today wasn't a very spectacular day, just long winding roads up and down hills. The roads were mostly seal coat not much gravel. We saw a lot of the Yukon River. Many miles 338 miles.
We stopped in a town called Stewert Crosssings, we bought a $100 in gas, at $6.27 a gallon (1.66 per liter) we were hungry, we looked around for a Mickey D's, but no fast foods. Another such town is Pelly crossings population 350 people. No restaurant there that I would eat in. So, finally a few peanut butter and crackers would tide us for awhile. The Milepost really talked up Carmacks a few kilometers down the road. Well, that town was something else! We flew on by! We stopped at the Braeburn Lodge, now looking at the Milepost you would think it was a real nice place, it wasn't dirty, but not anything like he picture. They boast that they have the worlds famous cinnamon buns! The sign says "Soup of the day" under that is "Cinnamon Bun $7.00". Well, we precede to buy the cinnamon bun, I said is the cinnamon bun $7.00? She said no it is $8.50. Well, to make a long story short, the $7.00 was for the Soup of the day! So yes we did buy a cinnamon bun, it is suppose to feed 4 people! It is big......breakfast in the morning! Do you suppose they raise the price to non-locals?
We saw Fox Lake, it is a waterfowl stop in the spring and fall! A very large lake. Mr. Misico there you go! Good place to hunt I would think.
We arrived in Whitehorse at about 6:15. We went to one RV park and wouldn't you know they were booked. We came to the Pioneer Park, and it is not one of the best around. I have to call Watson Lake in the morning and make reservations! This is the busy time now, when we were here 2 weeks ago the busy time hadn't started yet.
When we arrived in Whitehorse we bought gas 1.44 a liter. That is $5.44 a gallon.
We plan on taking a quick tour through Whitehorse. It is the Capital City of the Yukon. Then head out for Watson Lake tomorrow and then onward to Fort Nelson to Dawson Creek. We may drive down to Jasper and Baniff and cut across through Calgary. People keep telling us that Jasper and Baniff is just beautiful. So,while we are here I think we should do it!
Good night!